28 September 2010

Newbie parents should go for parenting classes

What is wrong with mothers nowadays. Don't they know the basic of parenting?

Couples who want to get married have to attend a short course, i think new parents also have to attend courses and get certified that they are fully trained to have and able to care for a child. Anyone can get pregnant and have a baby but can anyone be a good mother?

I read news today, a father physically abused his children and wife. 

Taken from Metro Harian

Menurut suri rumah berkenaan, dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 10 malam itu, suaminya yang bagaikan dirasuk syaitan membelasah anak perempuannya itu hampir 20 minit.
“Walaupun saya cuba menenangkan suami, dia tidak mengendahkannya sebaliknya mengugut untuk mencederakan seluruh keluarga.

“Saya hanya menangis melihat kekejaman suami membelasah anak seperti binatang,” katanya ketika ditemui di rumahnya, di sini, semalam.

Menurutnya, anaknya itu dihantar ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL), di sini, sebelum tangannya yang patah dirawat dan dibenarkan pulang ke rumah

Katanya, kejadian itu bukan kali pertama berlaku terhadap anak-anaknya sebaliknya mereka sekeluarga bagaikan hidup dalam ‘neraka’ sejak tujuh tahun lalu.

Not the 1st time? It has been going on for 7 years! I'm sorry i have to be harsh, as a mother she should not have waited until 7 years. 7 years she has watched her own children beaten like kucing kurap by her own husband. I asked you now can you watch your kids get beaten like that once or twice? maybe she can forgive her husband for beating her but who is she to forgive her husband for beating her kids. She has a duty as a mother to protect his children, protect them from danger. The abuser i.e the father is definitely WRONG and should be punished severely.

Beliau berkata, suaminya yang dikahwini sejak 20 tahun lalu, sebelum ini seorang yang sopan dan mula berubah perwatakan sejak tujuh tahun lalu.

Women, wife and mother should go for empowerment class. Woman should learn the first time a man lays his hand on her, be prepared it won't be the last. They also should learn that if the abuse continues for several months, be prepared it will only get worst. Please do something, go to a safe house to seek for help and protection.

Remember Siti Nurhanim Aziz, her child Syafiah Humaira was beaten to death by her boyfriend. She should be charged for failing to protect her child from the abuse. In one case in US, a mother was charged  with injury to a child by omission, which led to her child's death. Similar case. Therefore, she should be charged! she as a mother failed to protect her own child from her boyfriend. Furthermore she is delusional for still believing that her boyfriend is innocent and still in love with her child's murderer!

Never break a promise to a child

Its his 3rd birthday. 

He asked for a Ben10 birthday cake.

I made a promise to him.

I bought him a Ben10 birthday cake, just like he asked for. 
Promised fulfilled.

He knew its his birthday today...

He has been asking for his cake since few days ago. I told him to wait for his birthday.

He waited. He kept saying  " mommy, sing beday to you, then blow phuuuffh"

He waited impatiently for his birthday cake when i told him to wait for his dad to come home from work.

He was excited to get 10 helium balloons green and white colour just like Ben10 but still he could not get his birthday cake.

He slept. He didn't get his birthday cake.

Heart broken. I'm sorry.

26 September 2010

Mothers who commit crimes

Who is a Mother?

A mother is a woman who has conceived, given birth to, or raised a child in the role of a parent..Because of the complexity and differences of a mothers' social, cultural, and religious definitions and roles, it is challenging to define a mother to suit a universally accepted definition. 

Can a mother who carried the child for 9 months, gave birth to the child, be a good mother?Does she has that maternal bond with her child? The maternal bond between a human female and her biological child usually begins to develop during pregnancy, with her normally adapting her lifestyle to suit the needs of the developing infant. Beginning around 18 to 25 weeks, the mother also can feel the fetus moving, which can enhance bonding, as can seeing her baby during an ultrasound scan.The developing fetus hears the mother's heart beat and voice and may respond to touch or movement. By the seventh month of pregnancy, two-thirds of women may report a strong maternal bond. The process of childbirth ideally greatly adds to this bond - though that is not always the case, as every birth and every mother is unique. Situational factors may include a traumatic birth, the pregnant woman's own mother's parenting style, experienced stress, social support, and the influence of the partner.

So is it true a mother's love is supposed to be instinctual, unconditional, and forever?

This is not the case for the four years old little girl (read more here) who her own mother killed her! Her own mother locked her in the bathroom until she suffocated in the smoke. Cant her mother hear her screaming for help, screaming for her mommy to save her? Sedangkan binatang sayangkan anaknya, inikan manusia yang mempunyai otak!

There is another type of a mother who chose lover over her own child. 

There is also another type of mother who disposed their own child just to cover up the unwed pregnancy.  The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new. I guess in this case, she doesn't have the maternal bond with her child since she "throw away" her own newborn baby.
These types of mothers should be punished,  patut terima hukuman di dunia dan di akhirat.

23 September 2010

Project Mari Membaca

Few weeks ago, I've contacted  an Orphanage in Selangor. I proposed to set up a library for the Orphanage. But to my surprised, the person in charge was not interested. I was informed there were no reading corner at the orphanage, so why is he not interested with the idea? He said the only place available for the kids to read are at the surau. I was not planning to set up a National Library, just a small corner for them to read books, using the computer and do their homework. 

Still searching for an orphanage that need a library. If you know any, please refer them to me, preferably in Selangor.

Nafkah tanggungjawab siapa?

Soalan: Nakfah keluarga tanggungjawab siapa?

Jawapan Isteri        :  SUAMI

Jawapan Suami I    :  

Suami kerana itu tanggungjawab suami

Jawapan Suami II   :  

Suami tapi jika isteri nak membantu pun boleh, tiada paksaan

Jawapan Suami III :  

Suami dan Isteri. Mana aci suami sahaja yang membayar, isteri kena bayar jugak. 

Jawapan Suami IV  :  

Isteri lah yang patut bayar!

Suami anda yang mana satu?

22 September 2010

Terbelakah Nasib Syafiah Humaira

Tadi tengok berita, pembunuh arwah Syafiah Humaira dijatuhkan hukuman gantung sampai mati. Sila baca Berita Harian Online. Ahli keluarga tertuduh menangis kesedihan setelah mendengar hakim menjatuhkan hukuman. Sedihkan bila lihat insiden sebegitu, tapi lebih menyedihkan melihat mayat Arwah yang dibunuh dengan kejam. Arwah masa tu baru berumur 3 tahun. Yang buat saya merasa tidak puas hati ialah tiada tindakan yang diambil ke atas ibunya iaitu Siti Nurhanim Aziz. Ibu yang membiarkan anaknya diperlakukan begitu oleh teman lelakinya. Suami masih dipenjara tapi ada teman lelaki. Tindakan patut di ambil ke atasnya kerana gagal dan cuai menjaga anaknya. Mungkin bukan dia yang membunuh, tapi sebagai ibu tanggungjawab menjaga kebajikan anak itu terletak pada bahunya. Takkan la tak nampak kesan deraan seperti lebam, kesan cucuh okok! Anak kita kena gigit nyamuk pun kita boleh nampak inikan kesan lebam.

Mind boggling: 
Kenapa sesetengah wanita mementingkan lelaki lebih dari anaknya? sedangkan anak itu yang dikandung selama 9 bulan!  Wanita sanggup buat apa saja untuk lelaki. Kenapa? Adakah wanita itu merasakan tanpa lelaki hidupnya akan musnah, tiada tempat hendak mengadu dan hanya lelaki itu dapat memberikan dia kebahagian hidup. Wanita jenis macam ini harus ditampar diberi kesedaran. 
Ketika ditemui pemberita di luar mahkamah, Siti Nurhanim berkata beliau tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan mahkamah dan ketika ditanya sama ada beliau memaafkan tertuduh, Siti Nurhanim berkata: “Sebenarnya saya tidak pernah marah tertuduh sebab dia tidak bersalah dan dia tidak ada niat untuk bunuh anak saya.”
Source: TheStar
Dear Datuk Seri, do not waste your time and government's money helping this woman, she clearly is as guilty as her child's murderer. Please use the money to set up a campaign in taking action against her.

Biar saya refresh kan balik kepada pengataan dia selepas mendapati anaknya mati

Source: Kosmo Online

Menurutnya, jika didapati bersalah teman lelakinya bertanggungjawab melakukan kekejaman itu, dia berharap tindakan setimpal akan dikenakan. “Orang sepertinya tidak patut wujud atas muka bumi ini,” katanya.

I feel like slapping her Masih ingat lagi dia menangis kesedihan melihat mayat anaknya!  Sekarang dia menangis kesedihan apabila mendengar teman lelaki yang masih dicintainya gelinya dijatuhkan hukum gantung sampai mati. Mungkin dia sudah lupa anaknya dibunuh dengan kejam. Semoga dia sedar atas kebodohan kesilapannya itu dah semoga nasib anak-anaknya yang lain terbela. Mungkin anak-anaknya yang lain tidak patut dijaganya..nampak sangat dia masih tidak INSAF dan ibu yang "unfit" untuk menjaga anak-anaknya. 

*****Siti Nurhanim Aziz semasa memberi keterangan (under oath) telah pun mengaku berzina sehingga melahirkan seorang anak. Sila baca MMail. Rasanya sehingga kini tiada pendakwaan jenayah syariah di ambil ke atasnya. Kenapa sampai sekarang masih tiada tindakan syariah yang diambil keatasnya.

Maybe i should be a writter

Yesterday after sending my kids to school, I went to a famous bookstore  to search several books on syariah law. I'm in the midst of doing research on  Islamic Law . I was amazed that 99% 80% are books on how to be a "good wife", :- Cara menjaga hati Suami, Tanggungjawab Isteri, Kewajipan seorang isteri, Ciri ciri wanita yang dicari Lelaki, Isteri Teladan, Langkah Bestari Isteri Mithali ..

What happened to the authors in this country? Dont they have any other topics to write on beside pointing out tanggungjawab wanita/isteri ONLY. I like reading those kind of books *smiling*. Sometimes i need to be reminded of what are my duties as a woman, mother, wife, daughter and a sister. But what about "tanggungjawab seorang suami" "Cara menjadi suami yang dihormati" . Tried to look for those books, but i only found one book! its about the writer's perspective as a men Maybe the bookstore that i went to not big enough kot so they do not have these types of books at their store. No wonder they are many few cases where husband forgot their duty as a husband. I don't blame them for not knowing or having amnesia cos it really really difficult to find that type of books. (If you know where i can get these books please share it with me, i badly need it for my research).

Thinking out loud: "Kalau ada buku sebegitu, confirm kan suami akan menjalankan tanggungjawabnya."  

Sometimes men and even women need to be reminded of their duties. Women also need to know, so they can nag gently remind their husband of their duties.

Maybe i should write a book " Sila jalankan tanggungjawab seorang suami, jika tidak isteri anda boleh membawa anda ke muka pengadilan"

Ada ke yang nak baca?

21 September 2010

Welcome Back Bum.py*lil*ba.by

Clap * Clap * Finally i'm blogging again!! Wah! Now blog.spot is so canggih! New gadgets, new templates, and its easier to blog with all those easy buttons i'm so jakun! After hours of trying to find a template for my new home, i finally found few that i like, but this is the one that i like most.

I started blogging when i was pregnant with my first child. Hence i named it bum*py.lil.ba*by but now i'm done with pregnancy maybe one more, i want another baby girl. I have been pregnant 3 times within 4 years (9 months x 3= 27months). One normal birth and two c-sect.

I want to write about life as i see it. 

There are few mind boggling issues that i need to share urgently! LOL

So stay tuned!