22 December 2010

Juggling multiple jobs

It is not easy juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet.

Ambitions. Family.

I love my 1st job as a lawyer, but i like my job as a kindergarten owner.

Now i want to open another business.

Thinking of ....online business!

We cannot discover new oceans unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore. 

16 October 2010

Taska : Antara yang berlesen dan tidak berlesen

Semenjak dua menjak ni ada saja berita mengenai kematian bayi/kanak-kanak semasa di bawah jagaan pengasuh /taska. Terbaru sekali ialah semalam seorang bayi lima bulan Muhammad Firdaus Hakim Faizal Hafiz meninggal dunia akibat jatuh. (jatuh dari apa? katil? kerusi tidak pulak dinyatakan). Tapi yang paling mengejutkan ialah pengasuh ini menjaga 4 orang kanak kanak lain dan juga anaknya sendiri iaitu seramai 4 orang. Do the maths : 4+4 = 8 kanak kanak di dalam sebuah pangsapuri yang kecil dan seorang pengasuh!

Beberapa bulan dulu 2 bayi meninggal dunia akibat tersedak susu. Farisha Nur Hazreen Mohd Fairuz baru berumur 3 bulan meninggal dunia di rumah pengasuhnya di Putrajaya. 

Yang paling mengejutkan ialah terdapat beribu ribu taska/nursery yang tidak mempunyai lesen (berdaftar dengan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat). Kebanyakannya beroperasi tanpa lesen. Kenapa tanpa lesen? Sebab kemungkinan tuan punya taska itu tidak memenuhi peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh JKM. Salah satu peraturan yang ditetapkan ialah taska dan tadika tidak boleh disatukan dibawah satu premis. Nisbah pengasuh dah kanak-kanak adalah rendah. Boleh ke seorang pengasuh menjaga 8 orang kanak kanak yang terdiri dari bayi, kanak kanak kecil? Seorang ibu yang hendak menjaga 2-3 orang anak yang masih kecil pun susah, ni kan seorang pengasuh.

"Kita juga sudah mengeluarkan notis kepada 2,077 TASKA termasuk 63 TASKA di Putrajaya yang masih gagal mendaftar dengan jabatan ini dan mereka diberi tempoh enam bulan untuk berbuat demikian.

Bayangkan 2077 taska tidak berdaftar, menjalankan perniagaan tanpa lesen. Ini bukan kes menjual goreng pisang di tepi jalan tanpa lesen, ini melibatkan nyawa dan keselamatan kanak kanak. Tujuan kenapa taska memerlukan lesen ialah supaya pihak JKM boleh memantau taska tersebut dan juga sebagai "warning" kepada ibubapa supaya jangan menghantar anak mereka ke taska yang tidak mempunyai lesen. Tiada lesen bermakna mengusaha taska tidak mematuhi peraturan Akta Taska 1984. Kedua-dua taska dimana bayi telah meninggal dunia akibat tersedak susu telahpun disita oleh JKM.  

Sesal dahulu pendapatan sesal kemudian tidak berguna

04 October 2010

Digoda atau tergoda

Macam macam cerita pasal perempuan mengoda suami orang, sehinggakan suami orang itu melupakan bini dan anak- anak. Ini bukan perkara baru, i also have few clients with "missing husband".. suami menghilangkan diri berbulan bulan tanpa khabar berita, tengok tengok duduk rumah bini baru. Kisah terbaru dalam Metro ialah "Cerita Joey hanya dusta". Suaminya telah mememberitahu orang bahawa dia telah menceraikan isterinya sedangkan dinafikan oleh isterinya. Lepas tu pulak dibawanya girlfriend  aka Watie Elite dan anak girlfriend  balik beraya ke kampung dan abandon isteri dan anaknya sendiri masa raya.  Watie Elite pula menafikan bahawa dia punca keretakan perkahwinan joey.
"Saya akui memang akrab dengan Joey dan jujurnya dia sudah bercerai dengan isterinya ketika itu. Mustahil untuk saya ganggu rumah tangga orang lain kerana saya sendiri mempunyai anak dan sentiasa sibuk dengan kerjaya saya. Jika betul saya ingin menghancurkan rumah tangga atau merampas suami orang, dari dulu lagi saya sudah lakukan bukannya sekarang dan tidaklah dengan Joey", penerangan Watie yang dipetik dari akhbar.

Apa maksudnya nak menghancurkan rumahtangga orang dari dulu lagi dah dibuat?  Tak paham *buat tak paham*...  Ish! Ish!

Sepatutnya wanita hormat wanita lain, hormatlah erti sebuah perkahwinan. Perkahwinan mana yang tiada masalah, jika orang lain masuk campur ketika pekahwinan dilanda masalah, itu bermakna orangitu dah menjadi orang ketiga. Biarlah suami isteri itu menyelesaikan masalahnya dahulu, jika tidak tunggulah sehingga lelaki itu menceraikan isterinya dengan procedur yang betul!

Kes macam ni memang dah lali, banyak sangat. Yang pelik kenapa masa kawin, kawin secara elok, jika nak cerai cerailah secara elok, jangan biarkan isteri bergantung tak bertali. Lebih lebih lagi kesian anak-anak yang jadi mangsa. Kenapa cepat sangat suami lupa janji yang dibuat pada isteri. Janji apa? Janji sehidup semati *mode exaggerate* dan janji cerai ta'liq laa..janji untuk memberi nafkah zahir dan batin bal bla bla..tak ingat? jika tak ingat sila pergi baca balik..tak tahu nak baca kat mana? sila tengok sijil nikah!

28 September 2010

Newbie parents should go for parenting classes

What is wrong with mothers nowadays. Don't they know the basic of parenting?

Couples who want to get married have to attend a short course, i think new parents also have to attend courses and get certified that they are fully trained to have and able to care for a child. Anyone can get pregnant and have a baby but can anyone be a good mother?

I read news today, a father physically abused his children and wife. 

Taken from Metro Harian

Menurut suri rumah berkenaan, dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 10 malam itu, suaminya yang bagaikan dirasuk syaitan membelasah anak perempuannya itu hampir 20 minit.
“Walaupun saya cuba menenangkan suami, dia tidak mengendahkannya sebaliknya mengugut untuk mencederakan seluruh keluarga.

“Saya hanya menangis melihat kekejaman suami membelasah anak seperti binatang,” katanya ketika ditemui di rumahnya, di sini, semalam.

Menurutnya, anaknya itu dihantar ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL), di sini, sebelum tangannya yang patah dirawat dan dibenarkan pulang ke rumah

Katanya, kejadian itu bukan kali pertama berlaku terhadap anak-anaknya sebaliknya mereka sekeluarga bagaikan hidup dalam ‘neraka’ sejak tujuh tahun lalu.

Not the 1st time? It has been going on for 7 years! I'm sorry i have to be harsh, as a mother she should not have waited until 7 years. 7 years she has watched her own children beaten like kucing kurap by her own husband. I asked you now can you watch your kids get beaten like that once or twice? maybe she can forgive her husband for beating her but who is she to forgive her husband for beating her kids. She has a duty as a mother to protect his children, protect them from danger. The abuser i.e the father is definitely WRONG and should be punished severely.

Beliau berkata, suaminya yang dikahwini sejak 20 tahun lalu, sebelum ini seorang yang sopan dan mula berubah perwatakan sejak tujuh tahun lalu.

Women, wife and mother should go for empowerment class. Woman should learn the first time a man lays his hand on her, be prepared it won't be the last. They also should learn that if the abuse continues for several months, be prepared it will only get worst. Please do something, go to a safe house to seek for help and protection.

Remember Siti Nurhanim Aziz, her child Syafiah Humaira was beaten to death by her boyfriend. She should be charged for failing to protect her child from the abuse. In one case in US, a mother was charged  with injury to a child by omission, which led to her child's death. Similar case. Therefore, she should be charged! she as a mother failed to protect her own child from her boyfriend. Furthermore she is delusional for still believing that her boyfriend is innocent and still in love with her child's murderer!

Never break a promise to a child

Its his 3rd birthday. 

He asked for a Ben10 birthday cake.

I made a promise to him.

I bought him a Ben10 birthday cake, just like he asked for. 
Promised fulfilled.

He knew its his birthday today...

He has been asking for his cake since few days ago. I told him to wait for his birthday.

He waited. He kept saying  " mommy, sing beday to you, then blow phuuuffh"

He waited impatiently for his birthday cake when i told him to wait for his dad to come home from work.

He was excited to get 10 helium balloons green and white colour just like Ben10 but still he could not get his birthday cake.

He slept. He didn't get his birthday cake.

Heart broken. I'm sorry.

26 September 2010

Mothers who commit crimes

Who is a Mother?

A mother is a woman who has conceived, given birth to, or raised a child in the role of a parent..Because of the complexity and differences of a mothers' social, cultural, and religious definitions and roles, it is challenging to define a mother to suit a universally accepted definition. 

Can a mother who carried the child for 9 months, gave birth to the child, be a good mother?Does she has that maternal bond with her child? The maternal bond between a human female and her biological child usually begins to develop during pregnancy, with her normally adapting her lifestyle to suit the needs of the developing infant. Beginning around 18 to 25 weeks, the mother also can feel the fetus moving, which can enhance bonding, as can seeing her baby during an ultrasound scan.The developing fetus hears the mother's heart beat and voice and may respond to touch or movement. By the seventh month of pregnancy, two-thirds of women may report a strong maternal bond. The process of childbirth ideally greatly adds to this bond - though that is not always the case, as every birth and every mother is unique. Situational factors may include a traumatic birth, the pregnant woman's own mother's parenting style, experienced stress, social support, and the influence of the partner.

So is it true a mother's love is supposed to be instinctual, unconditional, and forever?

This is not the case for the four years old little girl (read more here) who her own mother killed her! Her own mother locked her in the bathroom until she suffocated in the smoke. Cant her mother hear her screaming for help, screaming for her mommy to save her? Sedangkan binatang sayangkan anaknya, inikan manusia yang mempunyai otak!

There is another type of a mother who chose lover over her own child. 

There is also another type of mother who disposed their own child just to cover up the unwed pregnancy.  The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new. I guess in this case, she doesn't have the maternal bond with her child since she "throw away" her own newborn baby.
These types of mothers should be punished,  patut terima hukuman di dunia dan di akhirat.

23 September 2010

Project Mari Membaca

Few weeks ago, I've contacted  an Orphanage in Selangor. I proposed to set up a library for the Orphanage. But to my surprised, the person in charge was not interested. I was informed there were no reading corner at the orphanage, so why is he not interested with the idea? He said the only place available for the kids to read are at the surau. I was not planning to set up a National Library, just a small corner for them to read books, using the computer and do their homework. 

Still searching for an orphanage that need a library. If you know any, please refer them to me, preferably in Selangor.